Today I remember the very special love that came into my life more than one year ago.
I married you becasue our promese, we will keep it for ever and we will teach it to our kids and family.
We celebrate more than one year together, how? with so much love good energy and many kisses, this time by the phone, but belive me when i tell you that i cant wait to the day you come back becasue im going to hold you so close, kiss you so much and many things more...
For every dream of each other we have made come true, for ever single time we said Te amo and everything that has showed us we are meant to be.
Happy Anniversary for all the memories we hold dear and for the cold nights we held each other near. For all the sweet things we have done and said. For each time you asked me to hold you a little tighter, te amo mucho!, for every hug and every kiss, i really don't forget all the times we talk for hours and hours, for every tear each one of us has cried. When no matter what he wouldn't say goodbye, for everything we went through and we are still together and por siempre; Happy Anniversary from now till forever
I continued getting stronger and stronger... You know me well, the first time we talk today i jump of happiness, and we talk as much we can, told u happy anniversary, how much te amo, and about my day, your day and some other things that help us to be in touch. After some hours i started missing you so much and i though, ohh why didnt i told hime to call me after doing excersice and before sleeping, i really would love to talk with u again, i need to tell you te amo so much, sweet dreams, happy anniversary, again, and to listen to his sweet voice that calm me, relax me and make me love him so much, so thats what exactly what HE DID!!! He call again, and i really feel calm, loved as always, and happy!!!!I miss you, my love, my life!!!
We had a great first year together and are looking forward to many more! ...
Happy Anniversary to you and me for all the time we spent together and years to come