jueves, 23 de julio de 2009



Today I remember the very special love that came into my life more than one year ago.

I married you becasue our promese, we will keep it for ever and we will teach it to our kids and family.

We celebrate more than one year together, how? with so much love good energy and many kisses, this time by the phone, but belive me when i tell you that i cant wait to the day you come back becasue im going to hold you so close, kiss you so much and many things more...

For every dream of each other we have made come true, for ever single time we said Te amo and everything that has showed us we are meant to be.

Happy Anniversary for all the memories we hold dear and for the cold nights we held each other near. For all the sweet things we have done and said. For each time you asked me to hold you a little tighter, te amo mucho!, for every hug and every kiss, i really don't forget all the times we talk for hours and hours, for every tear each one of us has cried. When no matter what he wouldn't say goodbye, for everything we went through and we are still together and por siempre; Happy Anniversary from now till forever

I continued getting stronger and stronger... You know me well, the first time we talk today i jump of happiness, and we talk as much we can, told u happy anniversary, how much te amo, and about my day, your day and some other things that help us to be in touch. After some hours i started missing you so much and i though, ohh why didnt i told hime to call me after doing excersice and before sleeping, i really would love to talk with u again, i need to tell you te amo so much, sweet dreams, happy anniversary, again, and to listen to his sweet voice that calm me, relax me and make me love him so much, so thats what exactly what HE DID!!! He call again, and i really feel calm, loved as always, and happy!!!!I miss you, my love, my life!!!

We had a great first year together and are looking forward to many more! ...
Happy Anniversary to you and me for all the time we spent together and years to come


lunes, 20 de julio de 2009

Tus locas ideas...

Las locas ideas que pasan por tu cabeza, me hacen reflexionar sobre lo mucho que te puedo ayudar, darte mi mano, mi hombro, mi Corazon, que de hecho siempre lo has tenido.

Muerte, peligro, desesperacion, soledad, locura… son algunas de las muchas cosas que pasan por esa cabeza, que desesperada me llama a gritos, y pido a Dios que por siempre me de la Fortaleza y la madurez para entenderte, para ayudarte, para acompanarte, para que siempre tengas esa amiga en la que puedes confiar y darle todo tu amor.

Te amo, te amo como nunca ame a nadie en la vida. Te amo como aman los dias al sol y las noches a la luna. Te amo de una manera inexplicable y unica, te amo como pocos aman, y como nunca imagine amar. Simplemente te amo y amo amarte, amo que me mires con esos ojitos verdes que me llenan de ternura, que me hables con esa boca que provoca mis ganas de besarte hasta el cansancio, que me toques con esas manos.. esas manos que queman al rozarme. Te amo y se que entiendes, que amarte es algo que quiero hacer toda mi vida. Eres unico Edward IV, sos unico en esta vida.

Necesito la soledad, y cuando está conmigo quiero que se vaya. Lloro, duele... Si me voy con ella pierdo todo, y si la dejo ir me pierdo yo. La misma búsqueda a kilómetros de acá puede terminar en el mismo lugar, y aunque vuelva miles de veces, cada regreso será distinto. Te amo con todo mi Corazon, tu lo sabes y recuerdalo en todo momento y lugar. Te amo mucho y por siempre mi esposo, tu lo sabes y hoy no es la excepcion!

viernes, 17 de julio de 2009

Sobre mi esposo...

He is a perfect man and i really love him, i miss him so much right now, he is in Iraq, he works in the US Army and we have been apart for too long.
Words that describe him; A perfect husband, man, soldier, son, worker, funny, smart, jolly, responsible, good lover, cool personality, masculine and LOVED by her wife!

We talk everyday and that help us a lot in our relationship. We both are so strong, that means that we can be apart from each other but our hearts are always together...

He will be in Irak for other couple moths, y la verdad no veo la hora en que regrese... Es tan dificil querer tenerlo entre mis brazos y no poder, o desear abrazarlo, besarlo, tocarlo, y saber que todavia debes esperar varios meses mas para volver a verlo, y ademas la incertidumbre de saber que donde esta no es un lugar muy seguro que digamos y que cualquier cosa puede suceder...

En fin, la cuestion es la actitud y con una mente positiva, todo es posible y como dicen por ahi; el amor todo lo puede... Asi que a pesar de la distancia, la vida sigue sus caminos y el tiempo en que hemos estado separados, muy pronto sera recompensado y en los momentos mas dificiles es donde la fuerza debe estar presente para no hacerle caso a las peripecias de la vida...

Que si he aprendido algo todo este tiempo??? claro que si, y mucho!!!!
Aprendi a que por lo menos puedo verte mientras duermo, soñar contigo, sentirte cerca… querer que compartas tu cuerpo conmigo y esa mirada que me habla, y... respirar profundamente tus labios...

jueves, 16 de julio de 2009

To be happy is a choice... why do i love him...

I luv him for his commitment from the day we met till today- Since the first day i meant him I knew this man is damn serious.

I love his determination and courage.

He always makes time for me, he usually makes the first move to kiss or hug me. papi, when u read this, you already will know that I've got two-lips waiting for you!!!! te amo!!!

Most important things that make me choose him, its becasue he makes me feel OK to be myself. He accepted me for who I am, allowing me to be myself all the way, listen to my view and let me have what I want, supports what I do.. I think if you find this kind of man, you have found your soul mate. He is a nice person after you know him.

Im proud of my husband cuz has a good heart and he loves me for who i am!!! te amo mucho mi esposo!!! You make me so happy!!! U kno dad :P

lunes, 13 de julio de 2009

Monday, june, 2009, 12:20 pm

we got lagally married, yeahh!!!!! i really feel so so so happy

I think that It's important to be married with the person you love and to be able to share your life with that special person...and then have a celebration later on down the road, U know... we will go for it!!

I personally think that having a renewal of vows later on down the road would be great... I heard one time about this; marriages are made in heaven and celebrated on earth, so we already celebate ours in heaven and basically in earth too.

Well, the key to successful marriage is love, understanding, mutual respect, trust, commitment and togetherness, so we already know that, and we try to give our best, there are difficult times, yea i know, the thing is that he help me to be strong and i do the same thing, thats why i really appreciate, love, admire him and he knows how to be careful with his heart. yup

Lo importante es ser conciente de que este "contrato de matrimonio" como bien y muy acertadamente lo llamaria una estudiante de derecho, un "contrato del cual nacen derechos y obligaciones... "un contrato solemne por el cual un hombre y una mujer se unen actual e ..." (jaja, eso ya con la practica y despues de estudiarlo, uno se lo aprende al derecho y al reves). Que pasaría si un día te compras un auto y quien lo vende te dice: ‘llévatelo no mas, no es necesario el contrato, los dos sabemos que a partir de hoy es tuyo. Yo quiero que sea tuyo y tu quieres lo mismo, no necesitamos de formalidades legales’. Seguro que le dices de vuelta: ‘esta bien que seamos relajados pero nunca tanto, quizás algún día necesito conseguir un crédito en el banco o quiero disolver este contrato y para eso debe estar a mi nombre.’ El matrimonio es algo parecido, pero como el contrato involucra un proyecto de vida, el significado es mas profundo.

Y aunque digan que no hay derechos absolutos, lo ideal es que es para toda la vida, muy pocos somos los que pensamos asi, especialemte en estos tiempos donde el sentido del matrimonio se ha cambiado casi en su totalidad...

El tiempo sera el unico que dara cuenta de estas palabras y de nuestro futuro, todo no se construye de la noche a la manana, y por ahora, es, ya es solo un paso de muchos en nuestras vidas...

martes, 7 de julio de 2009

About us...

We enjoy life with one and other as if we were inseparable. We do not do what most couples do and live together but lead separate lives. Rush home from work. Think about the other during the day. We learn as a couple to agree on more and more issues. We enjoy intimacy and talking for hours... We spend a lot of time alone, just talking and sharing the day's events. We show a genuine interest in each other by listening intently, giving full attention and eye contact. We are more important than anything or anyone.

We dont say I love you, we say TE AMO, mucho, and the most important; Por Siempre!!!


Welcome to the Husband and Wife Blog! We are Edward and Priscila and This is our first blog post!!!