This is so precious!!! i really love it, it is something that he wrote in the wood, while he was training in the woods... According to what he told me, It wasnt something easy....
It means, Eddie loves Pris with all his heart, forever and ever husband and wife, Our hearts are always together, the feelings and emotions we save in our heart its something that we will always live and enjoy during all our life in earth and in heaven... Te amo mucho por seimpre... thats what it means, but he made a sumary and in short words and symbol, the result is this;

Well, he already know that when i bought those special gifts, every single thing, has a big meaning and significance for us. By the way, He havent eat the chocolates yet... :) te amo so much!!! He says that he just want to keep those forever cuz the meaning...
I remember when i bought those things, i was so excited cause it was something different, i mean, i usually buy gifts for friends, like for example in their bdays, special days, etc. but this man was not just my friend, he was ( and is) the most special men i ever ment, I just wanted to do it and thats what i did. I never before felt so happy buying something like that day, i really was so tired becasue i had a long day in the university, gym, at home and all. I remember that i wanted to buy him every bear i saw, every card, everything, but i though, oh my... how will he do for packing all the things that i want for him and he will go to a very far place and all, so i had to choose well everything, and thats what i did and he loved it.

I remember when i bought those things, i was so excited cause it was something different, i mean, i usually buy gifts for friends, like for example in their bdays, special days, etc. but this man was not just my friend, he was ( and is) the most special men i ever ment, I just wanted to do it and thats what i did. I never before felt so happy buying something like that day, i really was so tired becasue i had a long day in the university, gym, at home and all. I remember that i wanted to buy him every bear i saw, every card, everything, but i though, oh my... how will he do for packing all the things that i want for him and he will go to a very far place and all, so i had to choose well everything, and thats what i did and he loved it.

He was looking at some pictures of me... Its one of the ways im always with Him, every single MINUTE!!!
I love my husband's hands, i really love My hands...
He was in talking with me in the phone... I remember that i was in the university, studying in the library for the next class; criminal Law. It was 5:30 pm. Moreover i really love his hair cut!!!...
Thanks GUT for taking him that lovely picture... Gracias!!!
He always keep me in his mind, and heart...
Training in Germany... OHHH what is that??? Yes, the first picture that he got of me... Mom gave him to him, she trusted him the picture that she keep in her wallet... I remember when i print that pic, so i gave it to mom, becasue i knew she always will keep it with her all the time... And i would never think that my husband will receive it from mom...