♥ So happy, so excited......WE'RE EXPECTING A BABY!!!♥
But, no yet, you know papi that we still have to wait a lil bit, so, our Sophia and Eddie are waiting while mom and daddy finish somethings, but im getting ready for the day our babe be in your belly, they will have all our love and unconditional attention!!!!
Is one of the most significant decisions that we make in our lifetime. This decision come from the two people who know the situation best, and who will have to live the day-to-day realities of having babies. We also need to consider our time, our patience, and our attention, so we are getting ready becasue of course, we want the best for our future baby/babies...
Starting a family is one of the most important decision we ever make. Becoming parents will change every aspect of our life, It is a great responsibility, so we need to be aware of just how our lifestyle will change...
I want to be a good mom, its hard, its one of the hardest things in the world, well, thast what i think so, but i have my husband who will help me and will be always with me, te amo and we both know that we need to be together, not just for babes, also because the promise that we made when we accept to love each other, te amo with all my corazon, te amo and i will never stop!!!